Wednesday, July 3, 2013


The first sounds a child ever hears are that of a parent, the first words of praise and yes, even words of disapproval (when you thought you were being treated so unfairly) are also from a parent.  The latter words are spoken in such a way that a child still knows they are loved, even if the parent is upset. 
               At some point a child begins to retain all that is told to them by the loving parent(s); those compliments, words of encouragement, and yes, even the disapproving words remain with you and help guide you through life.  What if a child rarely receives a compliment and/or the positive reinforcement but only the negative?  What if they have been told that they can’t do anything right or will not amount to much? 
How does a child overcome and handle all of life’s situations as an adult after all that; how do you begin learning, after having children of your own, to do and say things differently? 
Others can give you all the compliments and words of encouragement in the world but, the ones that really mattered are the ones a parent!   
               To make matters that much worse, throw 2 alcoholic parents into the mix and things just went from bad to worse…this was my life.
Trying so very hard to forget all the negative comments and actions done by my parents, since this is all I ever heard growing up, it is not always easy (at times) extremely hard.

 Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.

~ Abdul Kalam

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