Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I wanted to give praise to my daughter, Christi, my Sweetpea.  While I was in Spain, she stepped up to the plate and helped out around the house.  Christi cleaned, cooked and even created a monthly menu!  I am so proud of her, she, however, did realize just how hard choosing and arranging meals can be on a piece of paper.  She picked-up without being asked, even cleaned out the dishwasher AND reloaded it without so much as a peep from her father!  Since I've been home I have sort of been wondering what has happened to my child, was she abducted, because most of the helped has ended?!? =)~

During this time my son and daughter had a home built and after some delays they are all moved in and ready to experience all the joys of being homeowners...OH, the joy and fun they will have!!  Dahlia, their little girl, is adjusting to her very large backyard...wonder how long it will be before they decide to add to their little family, Dahlia needs a playmate ;)

All I can say is that I have the best kids a mom could ask for...I love you all!!

A mother holds her children's hands for a while...their hearts forever.
~~ Author Unknown

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